Saturday 2 September 2017

Genuine Fraud - e. lockhart

Well, this is a sprightly, little tale easily read in almost one sitting, (I took a meal break), with a most unpleasant protagonist. Fortunately the author acknowledges a huge debt to Patricia Highsmith details of which would be to offer spoilers but had such an acknowledgment not been forthcoming I would be accusing ms. lockhart of genuine fraud in this review!! 

In fact reviewing this book is a challenge because to do it justice I would have to divulge much of what makes the book so engrossing. So in a way I’m stumped. The structure is confusing initially until you realise whats happening and then it makes sense. So the plotting is tight if not wholly original. The characters are not especially likeable but I don’t think they are supposed to be. The pace is good and maintains the readers interest. The whole premise is wildly implausible but sometimes that’s what fiction is all about. I think the author has been astute in not producing an overlong thriller. There was plenty of potential to extend the catalogue of deceptions but it wouldn’t have worked at all  .

I think this novel will offer the most appeal to those who are not familiar with the work of Patricia Highsmith. Those who are familiar and are fans of the late, great lady may well bristle. But homage and tributes come in many forms and I think if you approach this story from that angle it passes muster. 

I was much entertained by this and I thank Readers First for the opportunity to read it.

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