A less than average month this one. I read just five books. I don'y why that should be. Everything else has slowed up as I age, so maybe my 'readspeed' has too. It doesn't really matter except that as I grow older and time is running out I feel I need to speed up my reading! So many books, so little time.
I was always a Star Wars fan, right from the start. So the month begins with Carrie Fisher's The Princess Diarist that details her time filming the first movie from some journals she kept at the time. She's witty and open. The diary entries are accompanied by her observations of Hollywood life and the nature of celebrity.Second up was the third part of a dystopian series by L.G.Jenkins. The series is called The Merit Hunters and this third book iOS entitled Quiet Echoes at Night. I blogged about this book.https://bookphace.blogspot.com/2024/12/quiet-echoes-at-night-lgjenkins.html
This next book isn't published until 21st February. you might want to note it on your calendar for it is a marvellous story that had me enthralled. Climate crisis and global warming at its heart it's also a book about love and calamity. I haven't reviewed it yet but I will do.
Finally Part One of The Memoir by Cher. I've often been critical of celebrities who pen a memoir while they are still relatively young and their careers appear to be in full flow. I always think that an autobiography or memoir is something you write retrospectively when you've been around for long enough! At 78 I think Cher has! This is very entertaining. Cher seems to be a natural raconteur. The book is honest and funny and I will look forward to Part Two. Do you need to be a Cher fan? Possibly not but I think it helps.