Wednesday 20 May 2020

TBR Round Up

This is more for my own records rather than any viewable blog post. I'm not sure anyone reads my blog nowadays much anyway. Sometimes if it's a blog tour but few people are interested in what I've got to say. No matter. I will do what I always do. Write about the books I read.

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine - Gail Honeyman

Oh my, this had me weeping unconsolably. I could relate to so much of what Eleanor was feeling. Not that I had experienced the trauma that the poor girl has been through but it was her response to life and her emotions that really got me. I've had this book for years and only just got around to reading it. But as much as it made me cry it also made me laugh out loud too. Eleanor's commentary on life was just so apt sometimes. I would say that as well as all the trauma she went through she was probably somewhere on the spectrum?

A Version of the Truth - B .P. Walter

Gripping and well written book. But nothing to feel good about. No upliftment whatsoever. In fact itwas quite unpleasant, what happened in the book. I don't want to spoil it for anybody but I finished the book feeling quite uneasy. Because sadly I think that this kind of thing goes on. And people in positions of power and privilege are allowed to behave like this. It's actually quite chilling. So maybe it's a book that really needed to be written.

Darling - Rachel Edwards

Again this book isn't a book that's going to make you feel good. But I felt it made its point in a more potent way. And there are a number of issues on a number of levels. It's billed as a psychological thriller, which it is. It's a very good one. It also has some social comment about racism, about Brexit, about mental illness and eating disorders. And also about taking the time to understand each other. Powerful and very sad story.

Insomnia - Marina Benjamin

I've actually been reading this book for months. Since I bought it to be honest. I suffer from insomnia. Quite badly sometimes. And I had this book on my bedside and when I was having trouble I would read great swathes of it aloud and I found it really really helpful. The author suffers from insomnia too are some fascinating insights into the condition. It's kind of a book of philosophical anecdotes I guess. I absolutely love it.

Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
This is a curious little book. I had it on my bedside for months and months. I've dipped into it every so often. Because I found it quite hard to get into. But that's not to say I haven't enjoyed it. It's sci-fi but it's very scientifically sci-fi. I got a hold of a copy after I saw the film Arrival. It's a collection of short stories. Which are science-fiction in theme but they also look for a deeper morality and ask us to question our place within the universe.

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